Help and support
Answering your questions, providing information on regulatory disclosures, avoiding fraud and accessibility tips.
Product and regulatory data
This page is intended for third-party distributors and intermediaries. It provides information on our MiFID II product governance process, target market and distribution strategy, together with our costs and charges and data disclosures.
These documents are strictly for information purposes and should not be considered as an offer, investment recommendation or solicitation to deal in any of the investments mentioned and does not constitute investment research. The templates include all funds even if they are not registered in a particular jurisdiction.
Markets in Financial Instruments Directive Templates MiFID II (EMT)
The European MiFID Template (EMT) enables us to share key product data with our fund distributors’ network.
It includes data on the intended target market (investor knowledge, objectives and needs, and risk appetite), the distribution strategy and the product’s associated costs and charges. The EMT has been operational since 3 January 2018.
Key Updates to the EMT:
- Version 4.0: This version has been a compulsory standard for all relevant funds since 1 August 2022. The main change from version 3 is that most ESG-related fields have been removed as these are now disclosed in the European ESG Template (EET).
EMT information is updated monthly. Please send any queries relating to the templates to
EMT Version 4
Download spreadsheetEuropean Packaged Retail and Insurance Based Investment Products (PRIIPS) Template (EPT)
The EPT provides a standardised mechanism to share key fund data for Packaged Retail and Insurance-based Investment Products (PRIIPs) to meet the regulation’s requirements.
Key Updates to the EPT:
- Version 2.1 was developed to align with the new UK PRIIPs regime, which the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) amended in October 2022. The primary focus of EPT version 2.1 is to ensure that investment products distributed within the UK comply with local and European standards.
EPT information is updated monthly. Please send any queries relating to the templates to
Download spreadsheetEuropean ESG Template (EET)
The Financial Data Exchange (FinDatEx) created the EET to facilitate the exchange of environmental, social and governance (ESG) data across UK and EU financial market participants.
The template is critical for ensuring compliance with the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR), the EU Taxonomy Regulation, MiFID II and the Insurance Distribution Directive (IDD).
Please send any queries relating to the templates to
Costs and charges summary
As a firm, we understand the need for greater transparency when reporting information on costs and charges. Increased transparency enables investors to undertake effective value assessments, which will drive competitive pressure, leading to increased efficiency and improved market competitiveness.
We produce a comprehensive costs and charges summary so that those who invest in our funds have complete visibility of the costs and charges within the product they have chosen to invest in.
New product approval process
Our new product approval process provides information about our three-phase product lifecycle for new fund launches and includes our MiFID II target market assessment disclosure.
Please send distributor feedback to
Important information
The content of this website is intended exclusively for professional investors in accordance with MiFID legislation. ’Professional investors’ are potential investors who are deemed to have the status of “professional clients”, within the meaning of MiFID (2004/39/EC), as transposed in Ireland. It is not intended for retail investors.
Baillie Gifford Investment Management (Europe) Limited is authorised and regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland (Reference number C182354) as an Alternative Investment Fund Manager and UCITS Manager to Baillie Gifford Worldwide Funds plc. Its registered office is 4/5 School House Lane East, Dublin 2, D02 N279, Ireland.
This website is informative only and the information provided should not be considered as investment or other advice or a recommendation to buy, sell or hold a particular investment. Read our Legal and regulatory information for further details.
Important disclosures
For important disclosures, best execution and trading disclosures, modern slavery statements, and privacy notices.