Capital at risk
Core growth
Core growth means investing in our best ideas while paying more regard to benchmarks and volatility than we do for other strategies. The portfolios are our most diversified.

What are core growth’s characteristics?
Our equity-only core portfolios typically hold more than 100 investments. Our multi-asset ones can hold over 200. We construct both with an emphasis on quality and diversity in terms of the number of holdings, style and, where relevant, asset types. We manage equity-only portfolios within a tracking error range against a benchmark. Our multi-asset portfolios have stated volatility targets as a secondary objective alongside investment goals. These seek to outperform cash returns significantly.
How do we invest in core growth?
Individual equity teams manage the core equity portfolios, combining regional portfolios for those that have a global benchmark. This modular approach lends itself to client-tailored allocations where desired.
Multi-asset growth portfolios are managed by a dedicated team whose remit includes stocks, bonds commodities, insurance-linked bonds, property, structured finance, infrastructure and more.
Core-growth strategies
Diversified Growth
Investment across a wide range of asset classes with the aim of achieving attractive long-term returns at lower risk than equities.Diversified Return
We look to deliver attractive returns over the long term with reduced volatility, via a portfolio invested across a broad range of asset classes.Global Core
With over 20 years of experience, our Global Core strategy offers tailored asset allocation to invest in Baillie Gifford's regional equity ideas.
All our investment capabilities
Core growth
Large, diverse portfolios of growth-focused holdings built with benchmarks and reduced volatility in mind.Equity and multi-asset income
Seeking both dependable income and long-term capital growth.Fixed income
Targeting company and government bonds with a focus on long-term outcomes.Flexible growth
Portfolios containing a mix of firms focused on disruption, steady compounding and timely capital allocation.High growth
Concentrated portfolios of fast-growth companies, typically holding between 25 and 50 stocks.