Capital at risk
Private companies
Some of the world’s most exciting, disruptive and rapidly growing businesses are in private markets. We aim to help them succeed by investing on your behalf.

Why invest in private companies?
We search for exceptional private companies and aim to enable them to radically reinvent industries as varied as healthcare, transport, media and finance. These innovators use technology to reshape economies and societies, offering a view into the future that can inform other investments. By giving these firms patient capital and supporting decisions that may take years to pay off, we can tilt the odds in their favour. And you gain access to what can be a stage of rapid growth before they list.
How do we invest in private companies?
In just over a decade, we’ve established ourselves as a partner of choice for founders thanks to our long time horizon and thoughtful approach.
We focus on late-stage private companies and can invest more once they go public and as our belief in their potential grows. The goal is that your returns grow and compound over time. This gives you access to value-creation opportunities that can span decades.
All our investment capabilities
Equity and multi-asset income
Seeking both dependable income and long-term capital growth.Flexible growth
Portfolios containing a mix of firms focused on disruption, steady compounding and timely capital allocation.High growth
Concentrated portfolios of fast-growth companies, typically holding between 25 and 50 stocks.
Important information
The information provided does not constitute an offer of or solicitation for purchase or sale of securities or provision of any investment services. Baillie Gifford does not currently have any funds that offer securities under a simplified prospectus for general offer or sale within Canada. No securities regulatory authority in Canada has reviewed or in any way passed upon this website or the merits of any investment available, and any representation to the contrary is an offence.
Persons resident or domiciled in Canada should consult with their professional advisers as to whether they require any governmental or other consents in order to enable them to trade.
You can read details of our Legal and Important Information here.
Trade Matching Statement
This Trade-Matching Statement is being provided in accordance with National Instrument 24-101 -"Institutional Trade Matching and Settlement" and Companion Policy 24-101 CP (the "National
Instrument"). It applies to all trades that are subject to the National Instrument. View the whole statement.