Capital at risk

Investment strategy

Global Core

This strategy provides access to our best regional equity investment ideas. By combining specialist, actively managed regional equity portfolios, we are flexible enough to run a portfolio in line with your bespoke asset allocation requirements, emphasising, de-emphasising or excluding regions as necessary. It’s our best regional equity ideas, all in one place.

Orchestra playing in dark room

Invest in our best ideas

For more than two decades, our Global Core Strategy has provided clients with the opportunity to invest in Baillie Gifford’s best regional equity ideas with asset allocation bespoke to their needs.

Long-term growth

Our objective is to deliver capital growth over the long term. The flexibility of our approach means we can accommodate a client-specific benchmark for performance measurement purposes.  

Our expertise lies in bottom-up stock picking. We have an unapologetically long-term, active, growth-focused method for equity investing. This, along with bespoke asset allocations, creates a portfolio that typically looks very different from the index. We believe differentiation is crucial in order to deliver meaningful outperformance, net of fees, in the long term. 

Embracing diversity

The Strategy provides exposure to different geographies around the world and a diverse array of growing companies, while having the flexibility to meet your individual allocation requirements.  

Our regional equity teams cover the UK, Europe ex-UK, North America, emerging markets and developed Asia. We take a diversified approach – the Strategy typically invests in 150 to 200 stocks.

A bet against equities is a bet against human ingenuity. Do so at your peril.
Iain McCombie

Meet the lead manager

Iain McCombie

Iain McCombie

Iain is the head of our UK Equity Team and lead manager of the UK Core Strategy. He is also the joint manager on our flagship Managed Strategy, which he has been involved in since 2000, and became a partner of the firm in 2005. Since joining Baillie Gifford in 1994, Iain has spent time on the US Equities Team. Iain graduated with a MA in Accountancy from the University of Aberdeen and subsequently qualified as a Chartered Accountant.

Meet the teams


Philosophy and process

Explore our investment philosophy and the processes around how the team constructs the portfolio.

Quarterly update

Get the latest investment commentary, portfolio overview, transactions and performance information alongside governance engagement and voting. 

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Strategy portfolio holdings

A list of the top 10 holdings that the representative portfolio invests in.

We can run a portfolio in line with your bespoke asset allocation requirements.

All figures up to: 31 March 2024

#CompanyFund %
2Shopify 'A'2.4%
4Meta Platforms Inc1.8%
5Doordash Inc1.7%
6Alphabet Inc Class A1.7%
7Netflix Inc1.6%
9Hershey Foods Corporation1.4%
10CoStar Group1.3%

Strategy holdings by sector

All figures up to: 31 March 2024

1Information Technology19.59%
2Consumer Discretionary18.44%
3Health Care13.59%
6Communication Services12.11%
7Consumer Staples5.00%
9Real Estate2.48%
Total 100%

Strategy holdings by sector

All figures up to: 31 March 2024

Total: 100%

Strategy holdings by region

All figures up to: 31 March 2024

1North America72.26%
2Europe (ex UK)12.65%
3Developed Asia Pacific10.07%
Total 100%

Strategy holdings by region

All figures up to: 31 March 2024

Total: 100%

Please note

The information contained on this page is intended as a guide only and should not be relied upon when making investment decisions. All holdings information is unaudited. Source Baillie Gifford & Co. Please note that totals may not add due to rounding.

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Curious to learn more about our products and what we can offer you? Please get in touch.

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