Capital at risk

Investment capability

Fixed income

We seek to play to our strengths, favouring longer horizons than most fixed-income investors. We emphasise secure, growing cash flows and long-term outcomes over current yields.

Two adventure cyclists on a single track road in the Scottish Highlands.

Why invest in our fixed-income strategies?

We have decades of experience in fixed-income markets, including investments in corporate debt, global government and emerging market bonds. We stay laser-focused on risk, building well-diversified portfolios that aim to safeguard your capital and provide you with consistent returns. Each of our teams has specialist knowledge, but they work in close collaboration. So we can meet your need, whether it be achieving steady income or diversifying your portfolio. 

How do we invest in fixed-income assets?

We exploit each fixed-income market’s different inefficiencies in distinctive ways.  

But three factors always hold: we conduct deep fundamental research, invest with conviction and exercise patience. So even if a bond’s value dips, we may continue to own it if the borrower’s long-term prospects stay sound. By doing so, we aim to bring you resilient income over time. 

Fixed-income strategies

All our investment capabilities

Important information

Baillie Gifford Overseas Limited (ARBN 118 567 178) is registered as a foreign company under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) and holds Foreign Australian Financial Services Licence No 528911. The information in this area is provided to you on the basis that you are a “wholesale client” within the meaning of section 761G of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) (“Corporations Act”). Please advise Baillie Gifford Overseas Limited immediately if you are not a wholesale client. In no circumstances should the information in this area be made available to “retail clients” as defined by the Corporations Act.

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