Scottish Mortgage aims to generate long-term returns for shareholders. We do this by aiming to identify, own and support the world's most exceptional growth companies, whether public or private, at a competitive fee for shareholders.
We look to add value over five year time frames, preferably much longer. We don't see that we can add much more than anyone else in the short term.
Performance & Portfolio
Periodic Performance
All figures to 30/11/2024 1 Year
3 Years
5 Years
10 Years
Share Price 30.7% -35.8% 82.2% 290.0% NAV 27.3% -26.5% 100.1% 344.5% Benchmark* 25.7% 31.8% 77.7% 213.7% Performance figures appear in GBP. NAV is calculated with borrowings deducted at fair value for 1, 3 and 5 years and par value for 10 years. *FTSE All World Index(GBP) TR. Performance source: Morningstar and relevant underlying indexprovider, total return.
Discrete Performance
Annual Performance to 30 September each year 30/09/2019
30/09/2024Share Price 97.8% 44.5% -45.0% -13.9% 25.6% NAV 93.7% 39.4% -36.3% -5.9% 16.8% Benchmark* 5.7% 22.7% -3.6% 11.1% 20.2% Performance figures appear in GBP. NAV is calculated with borrowings deducted at fair value for 1, 3 and 5 years and par value for 10 years. *FTSE All World Index(GBP) TR. Performance source: Morningstar and relevant underlying index provider, total return.
Performance - 30/11/2024Performance figures appear in GBP. Benchmark data is limited to a 5 year period from the current date. The graph has been rebased to 100.
Active Share - 30/11/2024Source: Baillie Gifford & Co, FTSE. Relative to FTSE All-World Index.
Meet the Managers
Tom Slater - Manager
Tom joined Baillie Gifford in 2000 and became a Partner of the firm in 2012. After serving as Deputy Manager for five years, Tom was appointed Joint Manager of Scottish Mortgage Investment Trust in 2015. During his time at Baillie Gifford he has worked in the Developed Asia, UK Equity and Long Term Global Growth teams. Tom’s investment interest is focused on high growth companies both in listed equity markets and as an investor in private companies. He graduated BSc in Computer Science with Mathematics from the University of Edinburgh in 2000.
Lawrence Burns - Deputy Manager
Lawrence has been a member of the International Growth Portfolio Construction Group since 2012 and in 2020 became a manager of Vanguard’s International Growth Fund. Lawrence is co-manager of the International Concentrated Growth and Global Outliers strategies. He joined Baillie Gifford in 2009 and became a partner in 2020. He has been deputy manager of Scottish Mortgage since 2021. He has also worked in the Emerging Markets and UK Equity teams. Lawrence graduated BA in Geography from the University of Cambridge in 2009.
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